Match Summary Report - Match #1477281
Seven Oaks 10U - McCloud/Portaro   vs   St. Ives 10U - Marcus     back to search result
Date Scheduled 1/25/2014 1:00 PM
Date Played 1/25/2014
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Seven Oaks Comm Tns Assn
12275 Seven Oaks Pkwy Alpharetta
Match Status Played
Box Score Seven Oaks 10U - McCloud/Portaro vs St. Ives 10U - Marcus
Games 19   39
Sets 2   10
Matches 0   5
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: 10U ( 2 of 3, 4-game; 7 pt Tiebreaker)
Male Singles
Seven Oaks 10U - McCloud/Portaro (home)
St. Ives 10U - Marcus (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Nate Chernault
Parker Rowan
4-3   2-4   1-0
Female Singles


Match #1
Cathy Lin
Brianna Safieh
3-4   4-2   1-0
Male Doubles


Match #1
Joshua Mikolajczak
Gavin Nolan
Bobby Xia
Jackson Sullenberger
4-2   4-3
Female Doubles


Match #1
Eliza O McCloud
Sophie DeYoung
Lorraine LaFon
Brianna Safieh
4-0   4-0


Match #1
Jane Delmastro
Justin Ng
Jackson Denny
Olivia LaFon
4-1   4-0