Individual Player Record Report
Valentina Truxes
City, State
Reston, VA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

BCSM 12U GB   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2024/25 F/W SG Boy/12GGN USTA JTT League of NOVA
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #258513310/27/2024 Naveen Papa
6-0 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #258555411/17/2024 Maya Antervedi Sophia Kim
Kartik Angal
6-0 Lost
Match #258555411/17/2024 Vishwak Kallepalli Bella Chi
Kartik Angal
6-0 Lost
Match #258567611/24/2024 Vishwak Kallepalli Mark Darin
Avery Hughes
6-1 Lost
Match #258567611/24/2024 Maya Antervedi Reece Tucker
Avery Hughes
6-1 Lost
Match #258371010/20/2024 Akshara RamKumar Damien Nguyen
Kylie La-Ongmani
5-1 Lost
Match #258371010/20/2024 Maya Antervedi Asher Ngiam
Kylie La-Ongmani
6-0 Lost
Match #258371010/20/2024 Vishwak Kallepalli Kylie La-Ongmani
Vivian Wang
5-1 Lost
Match #258513310/27/2024 Vishwak Kallepalli Alexis Adams
Naveen Papa
6-2 Lost

Championship Results
Program Championship

12 and Under - Beg/Int-GBGN Flight A / Mid-Atlantic - Virginia Region - Northern Va - NoVa League - Program Championship 2025
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #259079612/14/2024 Myra Veddi Clementine Xiao
Skylar Zheng
4-2 Lost
Match #259145101/04/2025 Adrian Ortiz Leland Jack Thomas
Veronica Menis
Match #259145101/04/2025 Akshara RamKumar Naveen Papa
Sanvika Joshi
4-2 Lost
Match #259146301/12/2025 Akshara RamKumar Jack Pontz
Riya Nanduri
5-3 Lost
Match #259146301/12/2025 Maxwell He Jack Pontz
Charles Sabloff
6-2 Lost
Match #259146301/12/2025 Adrian Ortiz Benjamin Pollicoff
Nila Raznahan
6-0 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #259145101/04/2025 Naveen Papa
5-2 Lost
Match #259079612/14/2024 Oliver Hassan
3-2 Lost