Individual Player Record Report
Mason Craven
City, State
Prairie Village, KS
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Homestead Country Club   [Section] Missouri Valley > [District] Heart of America > [Program] 2019 HOA Winter Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #210446401/27/2019 Brody Wingrove
6-0 , 6-1 Won
Match #210448303/03/2019 Asher Kort
6-3 , 6-0 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #210448803/10/2019 Owen Ternus Lauren Watson
Lauren Gunter
6-5 , 6-0 Won
Match #210447002/10/2019 Coleman Stephens Ethan Plummer
Aneesh Vasamreddy
6-0 , 6-0 Lost
Match #210447802/24/2019 Molly Whalen Abigail Morris
Calista Cattaneo
6-5 , 1-2 Tied

Homestead - BLUE   [Section] Missouri Valley > [District] Heart of America > [Program] 2019 HOA Fall Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #217373809/15/2019 Mia Stamos
4-1 , 4-1 Won
Match #217375510/13/2019 Coleman Stephens
6-2 , 6-3 Won
Match #217375810/20/2019 Connor Alldredge
6-2 , 6-1 Won
Match #217375210/06/2019 Owen Liang
6-1 , 6-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #217375510/13/2019 Matthew Apprill MaryGrace Seymour
Calista Cattaneo
6-0 , 6-3 Won
Match #217376110/27/2019 Isaac Anderson Shreyas Trikkur
Ava Rosenbohm
6-0 , 6-1 Won
Match #217376110/27/2019 Liam Petrie Shreyas Trikkur
Elijah Donaldson
6-1 , 6-1 Won
Match #217374809/29/2019 Matthew Apprill Fahim Baheyadeen
Juliette Titalangha
6-0 , 6-1 Won
Match #217374809/29/2019 Isaac Anderson Michael Titalangha
Xaivyon Lacy
5-6 , 4-4 Won
Match #217375210/06/2019 Bennett Tuttle Darin Walia
Owen Liang
6-5 , 3-5 Tied
Match #217373809/15/2019 Bennett Tuttle Mia Stamos
Avery Anderson
4-1 , 4-0 Won

Championship Results

No Championship record is found for this Championship Year.