Individual Player Record Report
Annika Nishida
City, State
Hilo, HI
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

The Next Generation   [Section] Hawaii Pacific > [District] East Hawaii > [Program] JTT Spring Season - East Hawaii 3.0(12)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #212859004/07/2019 Kristen Keiko Felte
8-6 Lost
Match #212858903/31/2019 Arabella Marie Asuncion
8-3 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #212859004/07/2019 Jada Igawa Aiden Carvalho-Fukunaga
Jake Tokuuke
8-7 Lost
Match #212859104/14/2019 Jada Igawa Kristen Keiko Felte
Jessie Higa
8-1 Won
Match #212859204/21/2019 Parker Felte Daniel Nucci
Jessie Higa
8-4 Won
Match #212858903/31/2019 Parker Felte Kristen Keiko Felte
Arabella Marie Asuncion
8-7 Lost

The Next Generation   [Section] Hawaii Pacific > [District] East Hawaii > [Program] JTT Fall - East Hawaii
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #219079310/27/2019 Kristen Keiko Felte
8-5 Lost
Match #219079611/17/2019 Jake Tokuuke
8-7 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #219079711/24/2019 Jada Igawa Kristen Keiko Felte
Arabella Marie Asuncion
8-2 Lost
Match #219079411/03/2019 Sola Bando Noah Izawa Okazaki
Jake Tokuuke
8-5 Lost
Match #219079511/10/2019 Jada Igawa Arabella Marie Asuncion
Jessie Higa
8-6 Won

Championship Results

No Championship record is found for this Championship Year.