Individual Player Record Report
Liam Walsh
City, State
Vienna, VA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

FRC Stringers   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2019 W/S SG All Boy+12 Gdot Non-Gender NOVA
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #211436403/02/2019 Erin Pak
6-1 Won
Match #211662003/17/2019 Harrison Tanger
6-0 Won
Match #211675503/24/2019 Reet Bhangu
6-1 Won
Match #211847004/06/2019 Rohit Sundaresan
6-0 Won
Match #212244504/27/2019 Neev Patel
6-0 Won
Match #212246805/05/2019 Robbie Rosado
6-0 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #212246805/05/2019 Amogh Iyengar Christopher Sweeney Jr
Robbie Rosado
6-0 Won
Match #212246805/05/2019 Alejandro Alvano Robbie Rosado
Jack Stewart
6-1 Won
Match #212244504/27/2019 Rishi Saxena Neev Patel
Jack Graham
6-1 Won
Match #211694303/30/2019 Amogh Iyengar Rishab Nanduri
Paramjeet Sai Karla
6-1 Won
Match #211694303/30/2019 Henry Plante Paramjeet Sai Karla
Jai Errabolu
6-0 Won
Match #211847004/06/2019 Alejandro Alvano Sanvi Challa
Sriram Chalamacharla
6-0 Won
Match #211675503/24/2019 Rishi Saxena Sean Miles
Jack Foley
6-1 Won
Match #211436403/02/2019 Avyay Iyengar Erin Pak
Elizabeth Gillespie
6-0 Won
Match #211436403/02/2019 Alejandro Alvano Avi Agrawal
Andrew Gillespie
5-3 Won
Match #211485603/10/2019 Rishi Saxena Paul Rugaber
Isabella Konowicz
5-3 Won
Match #211485603/10/2019 Amogh Iyengar Zane Javeri
Maxwell Hong
4-3 Lost
Match #211662003/17/2019 Alejandro Alvano Harrison Tanger
Chase Green
6-1 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight B - 12 and Under - Beginner / Mid-Atlantic - Rookie Section Championship 2019
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #215988306/29/2019 Rishi Saxena RAMKRISH SAI PATIBANDLA
Ethan Estrada
6-4 Won
Match #215988106/29/2019 Amogh Iyengar Natalie McIntosh
Erin Quach
6-2 Won
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #215988106/29/2019 Natalie McIntosh
6-3 Won
Match #215988306/29/2019 Ethan Estrada
6-0 Won
Program Championship

Flight B -12 and Under - Greendot / Mid-Atlantic - Virginia Region - Northern Va - NoVa League - Program Championship 2019
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #213702805/11/2019 Avyay Iyengar Zara Sophia Javeri
Xander Fink
6-2 Won
Match #213702805/11/2019 Alejandro Alvano Zane Javeri
Maxwell Hong
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #213702805/11/2019 Isabella Konowicz
6-1 Won