Individual Player Record Report
Wesley Nichols
City, State
Redding, CT
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Norwalk Elite   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Winter Junior Team Tennis
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #209526612/08/2019 Coyan Mobarak
4-1 , 4-0 Won
Match #209528703/09/2019 Default
4-0 , 4-0 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #209526612/08/2019 Daniel Wachira Coyan Mobarak
Charlie Wright
4-0 , 4-0 Won

Norwalk Champions   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Winter Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #209518201/05/2019 Seth Bier
6-1 Won
Match #209519303/17/2019 Default
6-0 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #209518201/05/2019 Daniel Wachira Seth Bier
Davis McIntyre
6-2 Won

Norwalk Aces   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Winter Junior Team Tennis
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #209529401/06/2019 Erickah Tertulien Carolina Warneryd
Jason Gong
4-1 , 2-4 , 1-0 Won
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #209529401/06/2019 Nicholas Moy
0-4 , 4-2 , 1-0 Lost
Match #209529703/03/2019 David Levchenko
4-1 , 4-2 Won
Match #209530803/09/2019 Billy Mac Clement
0-4 , 4-1 , 1-0 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #209530803/09/2019 Tyson Nichols Billy Mac Clement
Harrison Moy
4-0 , 2-4 , 1-0 Won
Match #209529703/03/2019 Tyson Nichols David Levchenko
John van Ostenbridge
4-1 , 4-1 Won

Norwalk Elite   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Spring Southern CT JTT
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #212709204/06/2019 Lenee Brown Hannah Haywood
Ty Delottie
4-2 , 4-1 Won
Match #212709405/11/2019 Wense Bienaime Ty Delottie
Cecilia Buono
4-0 , 4-1 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 18 and Under - Intermediate / New England - Section Championship 2019
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216914308/15/2019 Joshua Rubel
4-0, 4-3 Won
Match #216914008/15/2019 Maximo Gulla
4-0, 4-0 Won
Match #216913208/14/2019 Henry Winiecki
4-1, 4-1 Won
Match #216913608/14/2019 Aadi Dogra
4-2, 4-1 Won
Match #216913008/14/2019 William Raenden
4-2, 4-1 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216913208/14/2019 Audrey Magnusen Sigmund Winiecki
Amy Ryherd
3-4, 4-1, 1-0 Lost
Match #216913008/14/2019 Audrey Magnusen Kate Gruendling
Derin Suren
4-0, 4-1 Won
Match #216914008/15/2019 Audrey Magnusen Darby Rogers
Annie Barrett
4-1, 3-4, 1-0 Won
Match #216913608/14/2019 Audrey Magnusen Ben Grace
Lindsay Ristaino
4-3, 1-4, 1-0 Won
Match #216914308/15/2019 Audrey Magnusen Tommy Villiotte
Meredith Kelley
4-1, 4-3 Won
District Championship

18 and under intermediate CHAMPIONSHIP / New England - Connecticut - District Championship 2019
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216544207/21/2019 Spencer Quinn
6-5 Lost
Match #216544407/21/2019 Darby Rogers
6-5 Won
Match #216544607/21/2019 Julian Schirnding-Yach
6-3 Lost
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216544607/21/2019 Audrey Magnusen Gerri Fox
Julian Schirnding-Yach
6-2 Won
Match #216544407/21/2019 Audrey Magnusen Darby Rogers
Annie Barrett
6-5 Lost
Match #216544207/21/2019 Audrey Magnusen TEAGAN STORY DANZIGER
Takoda Story Danziger
6-0 Won