Individual Player Record Report
Alex Vue
City, State
Cottage Grove, MN
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

SPUTniks 18U Int   [Section] Northern > [District] Northern > [Program] 2019 USTA Northern Championship JTT - Twin Cities
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #215194307/11/2019 Htoo Paw Autumn Winkler
Ethan Gonko
8-6 Won
Match #216262707/19/2019 Wangmola Wachungtsang Britton VonRuden
Georgia Deml
6-3 Lost
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #215195407/18/2019 Sebastian Chounlamontry Caleb Teegarden
Alexander Ussatis
8-1 Won
Match #215192106/20/2019 Hunter Lo Connor Cookson
Jake Nord
8-2 Won
Match #215193207/08/2019 Brandon Pham Seth Fregien
Phillip Nguyen
8-5 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

18 and Under Intermediate - Isner / 2019 USTA Northern JTT - Section Championship
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216574307/24/2019 Wangmola Wachungtsang Nolan Andres
Elizabeth Roszkowski
6-1 Won
Match #216574607/24/2019 Joli Lacy Annabelle Humphreys
Mykola Khotenko
6-4 Lost

18 and Under Intermediate Gold / 2019 USTA Northern JTT - Section Championship
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216677307/25/2019 Hunter Lo Matthew Oswald
Peter Leach
6-1 Won
Match #216677807/25/2019 Hunter Lo Britton VonRuden
Brendon Sebring
6-3 Lost
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216677807/25/2019 Lily Vang Seth Weitzel
Georgia Deml
6-1 Lost
Match #216677307/25/2019 Lily Vang VINCENT PHAN
Elizabeth Holder
6-1 Won