Individual Player Record Report
Havish Gudur
City, State
Rockville, MD
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

BlueChip   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] Reston 10INT 2017-2018 (ADV)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #195656209/09/2017 Mara Simic
4-3 , 2-4 , 1-0 Won
Match #195656309/09/2017 Kaitlin Long
4-0 , 4-1 Won
Match #197195709/16/2017 Vedanth Iyer
4-1 , 3-1 Lost
Match #197195809/16/2017 Riya Bandaru
4-0 , 4-0 Won
Match #197196209/23/2017 Nikolas Stuard
4-2 , 2-3 Lost
Match #198502410/14/2017 Sanchith Pramod
1-4 , 4-0 , 1-0 Lost
Match #198502710/21/2017 Default
4-0 , 4-0 Won
Match #198581810/28/2017 Default
4-0 , 4-0 Won
Match #198581910/28/2017 Andrew Ng
4-0 , 2-4 , 1-0 Won

Blue Chip Green Dot Aces   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2017-18 F/W SG All Boy+18G+12 Gdot All Gender NOVA
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #197939010/22/2017 Default
6-0 Won
Match #198665912/10/2017 Lucy Hultquist
5-2 Won
Match #198648412/02/2017 Colin Cross
3-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #198665912/10/2017 Sophia Dadley Lucy Hultquist
Leighton Carpenter
6-3 Lost
Match #198648412/02/2017 Ansh Malhotra Jack Sherner
Colin Cross
6-2 Lost

Team #1   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2017/18 Winter 8U/10U Herndon League (advancing)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #199479912/10/2017 CJ Mendelsohn
3-3 Tied
Match #199480101/07/2018 CJ Mendelsohn
6-2 Lost
Match #199480101/07/2018 Cameron Hoang
6-0 Won
Match #200034801/14/2018 Aniketh Eluri
6-0 Won

Blue Chip Green Dot Aces   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2018 W/S SG All Boy + 12 Gdot All Gender NOVA
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #200698502/17/2018 Zach Kasper
5-3 Won
Match #201153603/03/2018 John Moody
6-1 Won
Match #201176103/11/2018 Siddarth Yalamanchili
5-2 Won
Match #201228403/17/2018 Tristan Carpenter
6-1 Lost
Match #201291304/14/2018 Gabrielle Carpenter
3-2 Won
Match #201291304/14/2018 Emma Quach
3-2 Won
Match #201289304/07/2018 James Ostyn
2-2 Tied
Match #202087904/22/2018 John Moody
4-2 Won
Match #202088804/28/2018 Steven Gu
5-2 Lost
Match #202088804/28/2018 Nick Boukens
4-3 Lost
Match #202091305/06/2018 James Carpenter
4-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #202091305/06/2018 Anaahita Kaashyap Leighton Carpenter
James Carpenter
4-3 Won
Match #202091305/06/2018 Ansh Malhotra Leighton Carpenter
Tristan Carpenter
5-2 Lost
Match #202088804/28/2018 CJ Mendelsohn Steven Gu
Nick Boukens
3-1 Won
Match #202088804/28/2018 Ansh Malhotra Siddarth Yalamanchili
Nick Boukens
5-1 Won
Match #201291304/14/2018 Neanth Suresh Gabrielle Carpenter
Ryan Le
5-3 Lost
Match #201291304/14/2018 Ansh Malhotra Emma Quach
Emi Zhang
3-1 Won
Match #202087904/22/2018 Mrudu Annavarapu Default
6-0 Won
Match #202087904/22/2018 Ansh Malhotra Default
6-0 Won
Match #201289304/07/2018 CJ Mendelsohn James Ostyn
Jacob Le
3-2 Lost
Match #201228403/17/2018 CJ Mendelsohn Tristan Carpenter
Oliver Carpenter
6-0 Lost
Match #201228403/17/2018 Mrudu Annavarapu Default
6-0 Won
Match #201176103/11/2018 Anaahita Kaashyap Siddarth Yalamanchili
Nick Boukens
6-2 Won
Match #201125102/25/2018 Ansh Malhotra Erin Quach
Emi Zhang
6-4 Won
Match #201125102/25/2018 Ansh Malhotra Iden Ziamanesh
Emi Zhang
6-1 Lost
Match #201153603/03/2018 Mrudu Annavarapu Tucker Wolf
Calla McGill
4-3 Won
Match #201153603/03/2018 Ansh Malhotra Tucker Wolf
Win Cardwell
5-3 Won
Match #201153603/03/2018 Anaahita Kaashyap John Moody
Tucker Wolf
6-3 Won
Match #200698502/17/2018 Neanth Suresh Zach Kasper
Holden Baron
6-3 Lost
Match #200698502/17/2018 Neanth Suresh James Ostyn
Cameron McManus
4-3 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 10 and Under - Intermediate / Mid-Atlantic - Section Championship 2018
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #206167808/11/2018 Srivi Buddhavarapu Fletcher Bor
Chason Beggerow
4-3 Lost
Match #206168008/11/2018 CJ Mendelsohn ZAID ZAMANI
Coy Gray
4-1 Lost
Match #206168208/11/2018 Srivi Buddhavarapu Giovanni Fulgham
Arya Takalkar
4-2 Won
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #206168208/11/2018 Eli Kaminski
4-0 Lost
Match #206168008/11/2018 Angelina Gizdova
4-1 Won
Match #206167808/11/2018 Gray Dion
4-3 Lost
Program Championship

12 and Under - Greendot Flight A / Mid-Atlantic - Virginia Region - Northern Va - NoVa League - Program Championship 2018
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #199659201/13/2018 Mrudu Annavarapu Ramakanth Pedda
Pratheek Maiya
4-3 Won
Match #199603812/17/2017 Lalitendra Boyapati Braydon Fahle
Annaka Peterson
5-3 Lost
Match #199603812/17/2017 Neanth Suresh Braydon Fahle
Leighton Carpenter
5-1 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #199603812/17/2017 Braydon Fahle
5-3 Won
Match #199659201/13/2018 Rohan Desai
6-3 Lost