Individual Player Record Report
Ward Davis
City, State
Raleigh, NC
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Hasentree Hitters 10uB   [Section] Southern > [District] North Carolina > [Program] 2016 FALL RALEIGH JTT
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #182762309/24/2016 Smith Kibbe
6-4 Won
Match #182762910/01/2016 Emma Smith
6-2 Won
Match #182764110/15/2016 Ethan Lemke
6-1 Lost
Match #182765310/29/2016 Ella Cagle
6-0 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #182766111/05/2016 Lara Strande Anya Trivedi
Teagan Ruby
6-0 Won
Match #182766111/05/2016 Lara Strande Gavin Galligan
Mariama Deen
6-5 Won
Match #182764710/22/2016 Benjamin Panebianco Yasmeen Said
Kamren Nijhawan
6-0 Won
Match #182764710/22/2016 Benjamin Panebianco Michael Mellott
Kamren Nijhawan
6-5 Won
Match #182765310/29/2016 Lara Strande Ellie Poteat
Ella Cagle
6-2 Won

Hasentree - The Aces   [Section] Southern > [District] North Carolina > [Program] 2017 Spring Raleigh JTT
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #188644403/11/2017 Matthew Boyce
6-2 Won
Match #188646204/08/2017 Wilson Dempsey
6-0 Won
Match #188647604/22/2017 Ryan Moreland
6-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #188647604/22/2017 William Stellato Ryan Moreland
Lacey Morris
6-2 Won
Match #188646204/08/2017 William Stellato Lucas Bui
Brooke Connelly
6-4 Lost
Match #188644403/11/2017 Nicholas DeLisio Rowan Capps
Ella Holderness
6-0 Won

Championship Results
District Championship

10 and Under - Beginner- JTT / Southern - North Carolina - State Championship 2017
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #194089407/16/2017 Isabella DeLisio Chandler Nelson
Billy Barfield
6-0 Won
Match #194087807/14/2017 Isabella DeLisio Chase Forehand
Ethan Zhang
6-1 Won
Match #194088407/14/2017 Isabella DeLisio Austin Yancey
Dylan Osherow
6-3 Lost
Match #194088707/15/2017 Isabella DeLisio Elizabeth Beacham
John O'Malley
6-1 Lost
Match #194089007/15/2017 Isabella DeLisio Andrew Beeson
Sammy Presser
6-2 Lost
Match #194089207/15/2017 Isabella DeLisio Victor Beilstein
Alivia Regan
6-3 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #194089207/15/2017 Emma Beamer
6-0 Won
Match #194089007/15/2017 Sammy Presser
6-5 Lost
Match #194088707/15/2017 Kathryn Hildreth
6-3 Lost
Match #194088407/14/2017 Trevor Yancey
6-5 Lost
Match #194087807/14/2017 Lalia Zhang
6-1 Won
Match #194089407/16/2017 Cristina Murphy
6-5 Lost
Program Championship

10U Beg / 2017 Spring Raleigh Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192667705/06/2017 William Stellato Edward Powell
Charlotte Paramore
6-2 Won
Match #192668005/06/2017 William Stellato Jack Goatcher
Blase Harriss
6-3 Lost
Match #192668105/07/2017 William Stellato Andrew Beeson
Owen Ball
6-0 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192668105/07/2017 Andrew Beeson
6-3 Won
Match #192668005/06/2017 Jack Goatcher
6-3 Won
Match #192667705/06/2017 Charlotte Paramore
6-2 Won
Match #192667205/05/2017 Julia Painter
6-1 Won