Individual Player Record Report
Quenten Chicon
City, State
Brooklyn, NY
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Brooklyn Lightning   [Section] Eastern > [District] Metropolitan Region > [Program] Metro Winter Intermediate 12U, 14U, 18U- 2017
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #186891402/11/2017 Eva Chicon Daniel Shapiro
Samantha Bentsianov
6-1 Won
Match #186787703/11/2017 Eva Chicon Jordan Goldberg
Raj Mehta
6-0 Won
Match #186787903/25/2017 Eva Chicon Lucas Miller
Nicole Massa
5-3 Lost
Match #186788204/15/2017 Eva Chicon Morgan Greifer
Josh Lipton
6-0 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #186788204/15/2017 Philip Dwan Griffin Conner
Josh Lipton
6-0 Won
Match #186787903/25/2017 Philip Dwan Joshua Ashvil
Lucas Miller
6-1 Won
Match #186787703/11/2017 Philip Dwan Jeremy Shemesh
Raj Mehta
6-4 Won
Match #186787602/04/2017 Philip Dwan Brennen Lee
Sebastian Taylor
6-4 Lost
Match #186889801/21/2017 Joseph Dwan Jacob Gottesfeld
Derek Irby
6-1 Lost

Championship Results
National Championship

18I - Flight C / 2017 USTA JTT 18U National Championships
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #195182909/29/2017 Daniel Shapiro Fujia Guo
Dustin Pu
6-2, 6-1 Won
Match #195183209/29/2017 Daniel Shapiro Kartik Gupta
Zachariah Lee
6-3, 6-5 Lost
Match #195183409/30/2017 Aidan Kwong Khyl Sostre
Anthony Ouertani
6-3, 6-5 Won

18I - 5th-8th Playoff / 2017 USTA JTT 18U National Championships
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #197152310/01/2017 Daniel Shapiro Michael Pagnanelli
Brian Klunk
6-0, 6-2 Won
Section Championship

Flight - 18 and Under - Intermediate / Eastern - Section Championship 2017 - 14s and 18s Int/Adv
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192588206/17/2017 Daniel Shapiro James Cruz
Max McFarland
6-5 Lost
Match #192588706/17/2017 Daniel Shapiro Aman Avvaru
Aidan Mccann
6-4 Lost
Match #192589206/18/2017 Daniel Shapiro John Kelley
David Fenner
6-4 Won
Match #192589306/18/2017 Daniel Shapiro Aidan Campbell
Jackson Falk
6-4 Lost