Individual Player Record Report
Leah Crump
City, State
Richmond, KY
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

No Program record is found for this Championship Year.
Championship Results
District Championship

10U Intermediate / Lexington Area Combined Championship 10, 12, 14, 18U
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #180888706/19/2016 Carlie Hechemy Anna Phelan
Cassidy Stiefel
4-0, 4-0 Won
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #180889306/28/2016 Eliana Lee
4-0, 4-1 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #180889106/26/2016 Gabriel Smith Addison Trent
Jonathan Philpot
4-0, 4-0 Won
Match #180888706/19/2016 Trevor Perry Anna Phelan
Nicholas Ruzzene
4-0, 4-0 Won

14U Intermediate / Lexington Area Combined Championship 10, 12, 14, 18U
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #180890907/07/2016 Carlie Hechemy Kate Farley
Megan Moore
4-0, 4-1 Lost
Match #180890106/09/2016 Olivia Florell Default
4-0, 4-0 Won

Flight - 10 and Under - Intermediate / Southern - Kentucky - District Championship 2016
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #181431107/16/2016 Meira Volk Kate McCain
Sophia Merchant
4-0, 4-0 Won
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #181431307/16/2016 Isabella Tipmore
4-0, 4-1 Won
Match #181431607/16/2016 Lilia Weaver
4-2, 4-1 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #181431607/16/2016 Samuel Leigers Addison Haller
Aditya Shah
4-1, 4-0 Won

Flight A - 14 and Under- Intermediate / Southern - Kentucky - District Championship 2016
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #181435307/17/2016 Carlie Hechemy Laken Shultz
Molly Null
4-0, 4-1 Lost
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #181435107/16/2016 Mullaney Palazzo
4-1, 4-0 Lost
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #181435307/17/2016 Ben Lemmings Megan Null
Zachary Ybarzabal
4-0, 4-2 Lost
Area Championship

Flight - 14 and Under - Intermediate / Southern - Kentucky -JTT Combined League (14-18U Intermediate)
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #181847005/08/2016 Carlie Hechemy Kate Farley
Megan Moore
4-0, 4-1 Lost