Individual Player Record Report
Kate Jackson
City, State
San Antonio, TX
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Sonterra Team Ballers 12U Beg   [Section] Texas > [District] Texas > [Program] San Antonio 2016 Spring JTT Track
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #177864604/03/2016 Default
6-0 Won
Match #177864904/03/2016 Miguel Serra
6-0 Lost
Match #177865104/10/2016 Patricio Uribe
6-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #177865204/10/2016 Ellen Meltzer Suran Somawardana
Sayani Desai
6-3 Won
Match #177865104/10/2016 Carys Owen Patricio Uribe
John Pachikara
6-1 Lost
Match #177864904/03/2016 Ellen Meltzer Patricio Lozano
Erin Herridge
6-0 Won

Sonterra Team Ballers 14U Beginner   [Section] Texas > [District] Texas > [Program] 2016 San Antonio Fall JTT Track
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #183697609/11/2016 Brooke Bedgood
6-5 Won
Match #183697809/25/2016 Austin Hubert
6-2 Won
Match #183697910/02/2016 Sarah Pollock
6-0 Won
Match #185475210/09/2016 Austin Hubert
6-1 Won
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185475210/09/2016 Emily Higgs REINA VALDEZ
Gabby Salazar
6-3 Won
Match #183697910/02/2016 Ellen Meltzer Amaya Reece
Elizabeth Morgan
6-1 Lost
Match #183697809/25/2016 Ellen Meltzer REINA VALDEZ
Gabby Salazar
6-4 Lost
Match #183697609/11/2016 Ellen Meltzer Haley Gallagher
Brooke Bedgood
6-1 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 14 and Under - Beginner Saturday / Texas - Fall Section Championship 2016
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185848611/12/2016 Ellen Meltzer Sydney Norman
Abi Stanford
6-4 Won
Match #185848911/12/2016 Ellen Meltzer Hadley Bornemann
Bryelle Morrow
6-1 Lost
Match #185849111/12/2016 Ellen Meltzer Josephine Bandora
Nicole Luckie
6-0 Lost
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185849111/12/2016 Josephine Bandora
6-0 Lost
Match #185848911/12/2016 Hadley Bornemann
6-0 Lost
Match #185848611/12/2016 Abi Stanford
6-5 Won

Flight - 14 and Under - Beginner Sunday / Texas - Fall Section Championship 2016
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185874711/13/2016 Ellen Meltzer Bryelle Morrow
Hadley Bornemann
6-2 Lost
Match #185875011/13/2016 Ellen Meltzer Abi Stanford
Sydney Norman
6-5 Lost
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185875011/13/2016 Abi Stanford
6-4 Won
Match #185874711/13/2016 Bryelle Morrow
6-1 Lost