Individual Player Record Report
Mitchell Moore
City, State
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

12U and 14U Beginners Slicers   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2015 Fall Hampton Roads
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #170799810/11/2015 Brooke Snyder
6-1 Lost
Match #170799011/01/2015 Max Miller
4-1 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #170799410/04/2015 Sabine Krigsvold Caroline Berman
Anna Royse
5-2 Won
Match #170799810/11/2015 Sabine Krigsvold Maya Delaney
Brooke Snyder
6-2 Won
Match #170799810/11/2015 Kosmas Griffin Allison Trudeau
Brooke Snyder
5-4 Won
Match #170800110/18/2015 Kosmas Griffin Anne-Perry Harrell
Sydney Cooper
6-3 Lost
Match #170800110/18/2015 Charlotte Herndon Sydney Cooper
Victoria Evans
4-3 Lost
Match #170799011/01/2015 Shelby Stuart Kyle Hugenroth
Cailyn Cooper
6-1 Won
Match #170799011/01/2015 Kosmas Griffin Max Miller
Evan Nied
5-2 Lost

12U Co-ed Beginner Hit and Run   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2015/2016 Fall Boys SG Hampton Roads (Advancing)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #173098711/08/2015 Lauren Meadows
4-3 Lost
Match #173099111/22/2015 Connor Smith
6-1 Lost
Match #173099712/13/2015 Cailyn Cooper
6-1 Won
Match #173099412/06/2015 Molly Leavy
6-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #173099712/13/2015 Sydnee Marcelo Max Miller
Cailyn Cooper
6-4 Lost
Match #173099712/13/2015 Zoie Hanes Max Miller
Connor Smith
6-3 Lost
Match #173099311/29/2015 Zoie Hanes Ian Williams
Lauren Meadows
6-4 Lost
Match #173099311/29/2015 Bryan Bejarano Nolan MacEdo
Anna Royse
6-4 Lost
Match #173099311/29/2015 Katie Smagliy Caroline Berman
Noah Keene
6-2 Lost
Match #173099412/06/2015 Sydnee Marcelo Shelby Stuart
Maren Council
6-2 Lost
Match #173098811/15/2015 Bryan Bejarano Shelby Stuart
Morgan Kozak
6-0 Won
Match #173098811/15/2015 Katie Smagliy Sydney Cooper
Anne-Perry Harrell
6-2 Won
Match #173099111/22/2015 Zoie Hanes Wilamina Harris
Connor Smith
5-2 Won
Match #173098711/08/2015 Katie Smagliy Anna Royse
Andersen Legum
6-5 Lost
Match #173098711/08/2015 Zoie Hanes Caroline Berman
Ian Williams
3-1 Lost

12U Co-ed Beginner Hit and Run   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2016 Winter Hampton Roads 10U INT (Advancing)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #174952001/15/2016 Brayden Monahan
4-3 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #174952202/05/2016 Mary Ella Wynne Evan Nied
Stella Baccanari
6-1 Lost
Match #174951901/08/2016 Sydnee Marcelo Brayden Monahan
Samantha Dudley
6-1 Won
Match #174951901/08/2016 Manolo Angeles Evan Nied
Brayden Monahan
4-4 Lost
Match #174952001/15/2016 Manolo Angeles Evan Nied
Brayden Monahan
4-3 Won

12U BEG Hit and Run   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2016 Spring Hampton Roads (Advancing to MD)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #177201004/24/2016 Brayden Monahan
4-1 Lost
Match #177201205/14/2016 Manolo Angeles
4-1 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #177201605/22/2016 Shelby Stuart Nolan Dibbs
Olivia Kern
4-3 Lost
Match #177201605/22/2016 Zoie Hanes Olivia Kern
Cailyn Cooper
4-2 Lost
Match #177201205/14/2016 Shelby Stuart Campbell Fox
Mia Clarkson
4-1 Lost
Match #177201205/14/2016 Abigail Carlsmith Manolo Angeles
Larissa Padilla
4-2 Lost
Match #177200604/03/2016 Shelby Stuart Larissa Padilla
Allison Trudeau
4-1 Won
Match #177200604/03/2016 Abigail Carlsmith Mary Ella Wynne
Allison Trudeau
4-1 Lost
Match #177200604/03/2016 Sydnee Marcelo Campbell Fox
Larissa Padilla
4-2 Lost
Match #177201004/24/2016 Shelby Stuart Max Miller
Nolan Dibbs
4-1 Won

12U OPEN Non-Advancing NETSETTERS   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2016 Summer Single Gender Hampton Roads
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #180582606/21/2016 Mia Clarkson
4-3 Won
Match #180583007/12/2016 Shelby Stuart
6-0 Lost
Match #180583608/04/2016 Default
6-0 Won
Match #180582808/09/2016 Waverly Price
4-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #180582808/09/2016 Aidan Roullet Sabine Krigsvold
Waverly Price
6-2 Lost
Match #180583207/19/2016 John Harrell Iii Default
6-0 Won
Match #180583207/19/2016 Pierce Wynne Default
6-0 Won
Match #180583007/12/2016 Pierce Wynne Shelby Stuart
Hannah Jadgchew
6-4 Won
Match #180582606/21/2016 John Harrell Iii Mia Clarkson
Grace Reynolds
4-3 Lost

Championship Results

No Championship record is found for this Championship Year.