Individual Player Record Report
Kenzington Mann
City, State
Tustin, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

18s Adv I - Corona Del Mar HS - Whit   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2016 Orange County Spring USTA Junior Team Tennis
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #176279402/27/2016 Kayla Kim
8-2 Won
Match #176277503/20/2016 Elisa Torossian
8-0 Won
Match #176278303/19/2016 Aubrey McGrew
8-6 Lost
Match #176279004/17/2016 Skylynn Nowak
8-1 Won
Match #176278804/23/2016 Allison Odegard
8-2 Won
Match #176277905/01/2016 Diya Borooah
8-4 Won
Match #176277104/30/2016 Anh-Thy Nguyen
8-2 Won
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #176277104/30/2016 Reece Kenerson Azyza de Cantuaria
Hailey Wittenberg
8-7 Won
Match #176276804/24/2016 Michelle Zell Martina Asciuto
Jordyn Boothroyd
8-6 Won
Match #176277905/01/2016 Reece Kenerson Tina Hasrouni
Diya Borooah
8-4 Won
Match #176278604/16/2016 Michelle Zell Angelique Ellingson
Allyson Carter
8-2 Won
Match #176278804/23/2016 Reece Kenerson Default
8-0 Won
Match #176277303/26/2016 Reece Kenerson Michelle Singer
Paige Sammons
8-0 Won
Match #176278303/19/2016 Reece Kenerson Faith Yim
Elizabeth Yim
8-1 Lost
Match #176277503/20/2016 Reece Kenerson Madelyn Gehrich
Carolyn Nilsen
8-5 Lost
Match #176279402/27/2016 Reece Kenerson Tina Hasrouni
Diya Borooah
8-3 Won

14's SAT - The Tennis Club, NB - Whit   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2016 Orange County Fall USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #183645210/01/2016 Albert Ly
8-2 Won
Match #183647210/29/2016 Kylie Nguyen
8-0 Won
Match #183648411/20/2016 Antonia Pareja
8-5 Won
Match #183646612/03/2016 Arjun Dabir
8-3 Won
Match #183649312/03/2016 Alex Nikolaev
8-2 Won
Match #183648912/10/2016 Sebastian Jauregui Vela
8-3 Won
Match #183645610/02/2016 Aakrsh Misra
8-0 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #183645210/01/2016 Avery Hopkey Albert Ly
Brandon Phan
8-1 Won
Match #183645610/02/2016 Hannah Jervis Oskar Svensson
Jake Monarch
8-1 Won
Match #183649312/03/2016 Alden Mulroy Jonathan Hinkel
Alex Nikolaev
8-0 Won
Match #183646612/03/2016 Reece Kenerson Nithika Kiruveedula
Ryan Le
8-6 Won
Match #183647210/29/2016 Jenna Lee Kylie Nguyen
Ari Feig
8-0 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

18s Advanced Pool A (3 teams) SAT & SUN / Spring 2016 JTT Section Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179535706/04/2016 Reece Kenerson Jessica Nakamoto
Olivia Speir
6-5, 6-2 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179535306/05/2016 Megan Delery
6-2, 6-0 Won

14 & Under 3.5 and below - Check Pool A & B for schedule / Fall 2016 JTT Section Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #187103601/08/2017 Reece Kenerson Emma Trieu
Katelyn Vu
8-5 Won

14 & Under 3.5 and below - Pool A / Fall 2016 JTT Section Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #186876301/07/2017 Alden Mulroy AUSTIN HARVILL
Denise Campbell
8-3 Won
Match #186876601/07/2017 Reece Kenerson Maya Koppikar
Kristi Ko
8-0 Won
Match #186876801/08/2017 Reece Kenerson Daniel Korman
Kaveh Brian Taheri
8-6 Lost