Flight - 12 and Under - Intermediate - Flight B / Mid-Atlantic - Virginia - NOVA - Program Championship 2014 | |
Match #1511365 | 04/06/2014 |
Nicholas Massarelli
Markos Atikem
Nyamekye Akosah
4-0, 4-1
| Won |
Match #1511365 | 04/06/2014 |
Nyamekye Akosah
4-1, 4-0
| Won |
Match #1511490 | 05/03/2014 |
Ryan Lent
4-2, 4-0
| Won |
Flight - 12 and Under - Intermediate - Flight A / Mid-Atlantic - Virginia - NOVA - Program Championship 2014 | |
Match #1511476 | 04/27/2014 |
Jenson Estey
Arjun Kaneriya
Ben Pelson
4-1, 4-0
| Won |
Match #1511476 | 04/27/2014 |
Joseph Gatt
4-2, 4-0
| Won |
Match #1511480 | 05/04/2014 |
Eric Kadel
4-3, 2-4, 1-0
| Lost |