Individual Player Record Report
Aidan Helfant
City, State
Westport, CT
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Greenwich Racquet Club Grinders   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] FALL 2011 QUICKSTART SOUTHERN CT
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #109401210/09/2011 Mark Merson
4-1 Lost
Match #109402210/20/2011 Danny Weinstein
4-0 Lost
Match #109402711/06/2011 Isabel Sanchez
4-1 Won
Match #109401811/13/2011 Patrick Liew
4-3 Lost
Match #109403011/19/2001 Olivia Wen
4-1 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #109401210/09/2011 Nicholas Goligoski Lily Mathes
Katherine Burke
4-3 Won
Match #109403011/19/2001 Sophia Klein Oliver Zych
Alexandra D'Aquino
4-1 Won
Match #109401811/13/2011 Frederico Gazal Patrick Liew
Carson Bylciw
4-0 Lost
Match #109402711/06/2011 Nicholas Goligoski Aidan Burke
Spencer Chandlee
4-0 Lost
Match #109402210/20/2011 Frederico Gazal David Ginsburg
Joshua Israel
4-1 Won

Greenwich Racquet Club Grinders   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] WINTER 2011 QUICKSTART SOUTHERN CT
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #112366812/11/2011 Ernst Bruno
4-1 Won
Match #112365001/08/2012 Mark Merson
4-2 Lost
Match #112362301/14/2012 Jeremy Cheng
4-3 Won
Match #112363201/29/2012 Audrey Magnusen
4-2 Won
Match #112366602/05/2012 George Thompson
4-2 Won
Match #112366703/04/2012 Shiloh Williamson
4-0 Lost
Match #112364101/21/2012 Katie Park
4-1 Won
Match #112367703/18/2012 Shiloh Williamson
4-0 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #112366812/11/2011 Jimmy Papas Folke Bruno
Ernst Bruno
4-1 Won
Match #112367703/18/2012 Jimmy Papas Shiloh Williamson
Samantha Falcon
4-3 Won
Match #112363201/29/2012 Sophia Klein Cameron Battle
Audrey Magnusen
4-1 Won

Greenwich Racquet Club Green Hornets   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] SPRING 2012 QUICKSTART SOUTHERN CT
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #117288304/07/2012 Ashley Humphrey
6-2 Lost
Match #117289904/29/2012 Lukas Voelkner
6-0 Lost
Match #117288405/06/2012 Marshall Bessey
6-3 Won
Match #117289706/03/2012 Alexis MacKay
6-2 Lost
Match #117289205/13/2012 Katherine Riley
6-4 Won
Match #117289605/20/2012 Federico Narvaez
6-3 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #117289706/03/2012 Melanie Leguizamon Terrence McGrath
Alexis MacKay
6-4 Lost
Match #117289605/20/2012 Melanie Leguizamon Efia Howarth
Samuel Schultz
6-3 Lost
Match #117289205/13/2012 Nicholas Goligoski Katherine Riley
Colin Adams
6-2 Lost
Match #117288405/06/2012 Sophia Klein Nicholas Tallis
Tyler Cramer
6-0 Lost
Match #117289904/29/2012 Nicholas Goligoski Nicholas Brown
Lukas Voelkner
6-2 Lost

Championship Results
District Championship

Flight - 10 and Under - Intermediate RR2 / New England - Connecticut - District Championship 2012
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123860108/08/2012 Patrick Liew Hannah Smith
Sophia Zhang
6-0 Won
Match #123860308/08/2012 Patrick Liew Conner J Quinn
Lindsay Riordan
6-1 Won
Match #123859808/08/2012 Patrick Liew Aanya Mehta
Ethan Na
6-2 Won
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123859808/08/2012 Ethan Na
6-1 Won
Match #123860308/08/2012 Lindsay Riordan
6-2 Won

Flight - 10 and Under - Intermediate / New England - Connecticut - District Championship 2012 - Final
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123935908/09/2012 Patrick Liew Rutger Zenner
Shiloh Williamson
6-4 Lost
Match #123936308/09/2012 Patrick Liew Olivia Wen
Prem Dave
6-3 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123935908/09/2012 Alexis MacKay
6-5 Won