Individual Player Record Report
Stephen Rozman
City, State
Denver, CO
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

The Ninja's   [Section] Middle States > [District] Central Pennsylvania > [Program] JTT 2009 Winter League at Hershey RC
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #71054803/15/2009 Amelia Capuano MacKenzie Smith
Alec Grossman
6-3 Lost
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #71054903/08/2009 Nathan Tulchinsky Jody Sambrick
Andrew Grossman
6-3 Lost
Match #71055003/22/2009 Weston Fortna Douglas Caplan
Andrew Grossman
6-3 Lost

Championship Results
District Championship

Flight - 18 and Under - Advanced / Middle States - Central Pennsylvania - District Championship 2009
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #77627807/17/2009 Andrew Grossman Mikesh Desai
Weston Fortna
6-4 Lost
Match #77628007/17/2009 Andrew Grossman Josh Riehl
Weston Fortna
6-1 Lost
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #77627807/17/2009 MacKenzie Smith Corinne Jones
Josh Riehl
6-0 Lost