EASTERN UPS Tournaments Entry-Level, non-elimination events for experience and practice. Results do not count towards section standings. Once a player wins two "UPS" tournaments in an age group, they should consider moving to L7.
USTA Eastern Tournament Information: USTA Eastern strives to provide quality competitive opportunities for players to contest their skill against other players. Courtesy and sportsmanship are expected of all participants and spectators at all times; and players are required to know and understand all other rules and regulations detailed at: usta.com
12 & Under matches in this event will be played on a 78’ court and with a GREEN tennis ball. For more information visit: www.usta.com
Code Of Conduct: By registering for this tournament you agree to abide by the Rules & Regulations set forth in the USTA Friend at Court, the USTA Standards of Conduct, as well as the USTA Eastern Section's Rules & Regulations. The rules apply to parents & spectators as well; the player is responsible for their entourage. Poor behavior by the spectators may result in point penalties for the players. Poor personal behavior, bad sportsmanship or any acts detrimental to the game could prevent section endorsement. Further information on conduct requirements of USTA Tournament participants can be found here.
Registration and Withdrawals Withdrawals can be done online before registration closes. Select "Withdraw" under the blue Edit Registration Menu on the lower left of this tournament homepage. Refunds will not be given after the close of registration.
Please Note: Playing in Concurrent Tournaments is not allowed. For more information on our rules and regulations please visit our website: usta.com
No Selection Process. All registered players will be selected.
Entry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Monday, October 17, 2016 1:00:00 PM Eastern Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 100171316 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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