Welcome to the Palo Alto Junior Green Dot
Venue: 4000 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto at the Cubberley
Community Centre.
Registration: 10:15am - 10:45am
Play starts promptly at 11am
All players start at 11:00am with Doubles Round
Limited Entry: 24 players (12 Girls, 12 Boys or 16 /8 or
20/4 ratio) or whichever the amount of entries allow for a balanced
round robin. Minimum/Maximum four players per event irrespective of
gender due to the limited amount of courts and times
Parent Role:
Golden Rule: No parents are allowed at the tournament
desk. We would answer any questions or concerns away from the
tournament desk.
Parents are not allowed on the tennis courts during play. The role
of the parent should strictly be supportive in offering assistance
for questionable line calls on courts where fair play is being
challenged as well as nurturing good etiquette and fostering
good sportsmanship, companionship, fairness, humility,
support and compassion.
Parents who are not prepared to adhere to these rules should rather
find an alternate avenue to express their frustrations and will be
asked to leave the site.
Only players are allowed to register and request or question the
Tournament Director on tournament issues.
What to Bring: Drinks, Chairs, Umbrellas for shade
Dress Code: Tennis gear, no flip flops or jeans.
Medals: 1st and 2nd place
We provide water and a snack.
We kindly accept nominations for sportsmanship, compassion,
kindness, fairness and honor.
Player Selection TypePlayers are selected manually by the tournament director after the close of registration.
Entry TypeEntry to this tournament is restricted. To see how entrants will be selected, follow the “Selection Process” link to the left. It is the player’s responsibility to check the selection list(s) after registering online to be sure that a check mark appears beside the player’s name on the list, in order to insure proper registration. Entries must be submitted by Sunday, May 15, 2016 11:59:00 PM Pacific Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
Quick ReferenceIn the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 500030316 from the searchable schedule homepage.
Division and Draw Type Abbreviations
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