Sign up for Flex Leagues Warning: your browser may not be supported. Click for more info

Step 1. Create a Player Profile

If you've already created a player profile, click here to Login and then proceed to Step 2 to register.

USTA Membership is not required. Flex Leagues is an adult program.

If you sign up for a USTA Membership, you will receive a discount!
Get USTA Membership now!

USTA Number:
Enter your USTA Number to import your personal information.
Personal Information  Mailing Address
Title: Street Number:*
First Name:* Street Name:*
Last Name:* Unit:
Middle Name: City:*
Gender:* State:*
Birthdate:* Calendar Country:*
(mm/dd/yyyy) Zip Code:*
Phone Number: * Secondary Phone:
Email Address:* Secondary Email:

NTRP Level:
The NTRP rating is used as a guideline in helping you to determine which flights in your area may be appropriate for your play level. Click here to get more information on how to rate yourself.

* is a required field.