Please Make Sure You Check Competitors and NOT APPLICANTS
Most of our entrys are paper and the actual number of players in your division will appear under applicants!
If there are three or less entries in a singles division
everyone will be moved up to the next age group. Pizza party on
Saturday at five PM. Prizes will be given to the fastest serve by a
Boy and Girl regardless of age. We will also award a Boys and Girls
Sportsmanship trophy. All maion draw singles will be best 2 of 3
sets with set tie-breaks at 6-all and match tie-breaks instead of
third sets, except for finals which will be full sets unless all
players agree to play a 10 point third set tie breaker. Directions
to FPTC: once you are on I-25 you will take the Randall Avenue
exit. Go straight through the intersection to Hynds Blvd. Continue
on Hynds Blvd. past the big CFD sign until you get to the log
house. Turn right into the park and then another right and head
toward the big white building. The door to enter the tennis center
is the facing the large grand stand on the NE corner of the
building. Drive Safe!
Player Selection TypeNo Selection Process. All registered players will be selected.
Entry TypeEntry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Tuesday, December 4, 2012 11:59:00 PM Mountain Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
Quick ReferenceIn the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 258100212 from the searchable schedule homepage.
* For tournaments with start dates between today and December 2013 the fees displayed
include a non-refundable processing fee and apply for events entered in one transaction.
Additional fees may apply for events entered in separate transactions. For tournaments with start dates after December 2013 the total fee will be displayed
at checkout.
Division and Draw Type Abbreviations
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