Tournament Reports
Match Schedule Info - Future Match Info
Midwest Open Girls 18 DAILY SPORTSMANSHIP Award
Congratulations to those players selected for the tournament Sportsmanship Awards. They are as follows.... Day #1 Zoe Klapman Chicago, Illinois Day #2 Gabrielle Lee Wisconsin Day #3 Maria Goheen Northern Illinois
Update for Consolation draw
All 2nd round matches scheduled for 2:00 pm or later should now go to Columbus North High School to check in for your matches.
Match time update #2
All main draw matches scheduled for 930 am are now to check back at 1:00 pm at TLAC or this website. Depending on weather we will try to go outside to CNHS or continue play inside at TLAC. We will try to keep you updated as soon as possible.
SUNDAY morning match delay
We are going to delay the start time of all matches today 1/2 hour from original times. All players should still go to their scheduled sites for play. FIRST ROUND is now 830am today. Thanks
Urgent Notice... Due to the weather forecast this coming weekend with temperatures close to 90-100 degrees and with the humidity index close to 105-115 degrees there is a HEAT ADVISORY in our area. Therefore the tournament committee has chosen to implement a change in the Singles Main Draw starting with round #1. The match scoring format will be 2 out of 3 sets with the third set if needed played as a MATCH TIE BREAKER (10 Points). The Third set will not be played out as a normal set. This will be the same format as in the backdraw consolation. Please drink plenty of water, other fluids, have ice containers,and towels for cover while your playing and through out the day.
DOUBLES Sign Up... IMPORTANT if playing
Deadline to sign up for Doubles is Thursday , July 20 at 6:00pm. If you registered on line with a partner you are good. If you did not register on line with a partner you need to contact me by email before the deadline with your partners name. If you do not have a partner and still wish to play doubles you still need to contact me by email by the deadline so I can add you to the list of players looking for any partner. We will not just take names from on line registration.
URGENT and IMPORTANT information regarding hotels during our tournament. We have found out that hotels in our area are very limited and few rooms are available the weekend of our tournament. There are 3 major sporting events going on at the same time and unfortunately it looks like a big hotel in town is closing just before this tournament. YOU NEED TO LOOK FOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS NOW. You may have to look as far as 30-60 minutes away from Columbus South on Interstate 65 and North towards Indianapolis on Interstate 65 and 465 up to I 69. Please check our tournament HOST HOTELS which our 10 minutes away from playing sites for updated availability... HILTON GARDEN INN 812-526-8600 , HAMPTON INN 812-526-5100 , HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 812-526-4919 , and COMFORT INN 812-526-9899. Our local COLUMBUS VISITORS CENTER website is for more information and hotels. We will try to update this hotel information as we find out more and look into other hotels away from Columbus. Very sorry for this inconvenience and situation that has come up. Additional Hotels to possibly contact... City_ Scottsburg (30-40 min) Hampton Inn 812-752-1999. City_ Greensburg (30-40 min) Holiday Inn Express 812-663-5500 , Hampton Inn 812-663-5000. City_ Greenwood (30-40 min) Candlewood 317-882-4300 , Red Roof 317-887-1515 , Holiday Inn Express 317-881-0600. City_ Southport (30-40 min) Marriott Courtyard 317-885-9799.
Player registration can be done FRIDAY, July 21st @ Tipton Lakes Athletic Club from 5:00-7:00pm. If you register on SATURDAY... Player registration will ONLY be at the MAIN SITE/Columbus North High School. Please Check in at least 30-45 minutes prior to your first round match. You will receive your PLAYER MATCH CARD, t-shirt, player packet, sponsor coupons and general information. Registration will start by 7:00am Saturday. Please do this BEFORE YOUR FIRST MATCH
Doubles entries close, Thursday, July 20th at 6:00pm(EST). Please try to have BOTH players register online before the sign up deadline. I fyou did not sign up with your partner online and before the entry deadline has passed then PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR NAME AND DOUBLES PARTNER NAME( to register. I will need a confirmation email from your partner also. If you are looking for a doubles partner please email me with that request and we will add your name to the looking for a partner list before the deadline has passed.
This tournament will use a combination of USTA/Midwest Points Per Round and Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) for player selection and seeding. Players will be selected for the tournament in the following order: 1 - 88 Players based on the most recent USTA/Midwest Standings List in the age division of the tournament 2 - 40 Players based on UTR Players will be seeded for the tournament in the following order: 1 - Top 16 seeds based on UTR 2- Seeds 17-32 based on USTA/Midwest Standings List If you have questions regarding player selection and/or seeding, please contact the USTA/Midwest Section office at For more information about UTR please click the following link:
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This tournament carries with it Level 2 USTA/Midwest points per round and Level 4 USTA National Singles points and Level 3 USTA National Doubles points per round. For more information on USTA/Midwest points per round, please visit the following link:
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First round report time information will be available by 6:00pm on the Wednesday before the tournament begins. Come back to this page and click on the blue "Future Match Info Report" to find out your first match time as well as your Win/Loss time. Please be careful when reading this. The W/L times are in parentheses. If possible, players from the same district will not play each other first round unless an alternate fills a spot or more than half the draw is from the same district.
The complete draws will be posted on the Friday before the event begins by 6:00 pm. There are NO REFUNDS after the player selection is complete. Player Selection and numbered Alternate List will be posted the Saturday after the Thursday deadline by 12:00 noon.
We will be using 3-4 court locations for this tournament. They are as follows... MAIN SITE is COLUMBUS NORTH HIGH SCHOOL (CN) @ 1400 25th Street 47201.. #8 courts. DONNER PARK (DP) @ 22nd & Lafayette 47201.. #4 courts. COLUMBUS EAST HIGH SCHOOL (CE) @ 230 S Marr Road & Indiana Ave. 47201.. #6 courts. HAMILTON LINCOLN PARK (LP) @ 2501 Lincoln Park Drive 47201.. #4 courts. Tipton Lakes Athletic Club 4000 Goeller Blvd 47201.. #4 indoor courts. All playing sites are approx. 10 minutes or less apart and located close to downtown area.
The Singles Main Draw will play best 3 tiebreak sets. The Singles Consolation Draw will play best of 3 tiebreak sets with a 10-point super tiebreak in lieu of a third set. Players will be allowed a 3 minute break after splitting sets in the FIC. Doubles will play a 8 Game Pro Set with a tie-breaker at 8 games all. Singles draw is128 FIC.
Please know that this schedule can be adjusted as needed by the tournament officials... SATURDAY : Play begins at 8am. Main Draw Singles will play Rd of 128 and Rd of 64 followed by the Qualifying Rd of 64 FIC. Doubles to follow. SUNDAY : Play begins at 8AM. Main Draw Singles will play Rd of 32 and Rd of 16. FIC will play the Rd of 64, Qualifying Rd of 32 and Rd of 32. Doubles to follow. MONDAY : Play begins at 8am. Main Draw Singles will play Quarters and Semi-Finals. FIC will play the Qualifying Rd of 16 and the Rd of 16. Doubles to follow. TUESDAY : Play begins at 8am. Main Draw will play the Finals and 3/4 Playoff. FIC will play Qualifying Quarters and Quarters. FIC stops at the Semi-Finals. Doubles to follow if needed.
Practice courts will be available at Harrison Ridge Park@ Tipton Lakes Blvd / Coles Dr.47201 , Brown County High School @ 235 South School House Lane, Nashville 47488 , Harrison Lake Country Club @ Country Club Road 47201 , and any site we do not use during scheduled match play. There are courts available indoors at TLAC @ 4000 Goeller Blvd, 47201 for a $15.00 per hour fee. From Interstate 65, turn on 46 West at the Columbus exit and go to the first stoplight. TLAC club is located on the left corner. We are about 1 hour North of Louisville, KY and 45 minutes South of Indianapolis.
If you do not provide an email address and/or cell number(s) when you register for this tournament, then we will not be able to notify you about any possible changes in the tournament.
If you have questions about USTA/Midwest tournaments, please email Also, please take a minute to tell us what you thought about this tournament using the following link:
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1) If your credit card has been declined, please contact the tournament director immediately. You have until noon Monday to pay for the tournament. The tournament director has the option to withdraw you from the competitors list if you have not communicated with them. 2) No refunds after player selections.
Please see link if you have signed up for two tournaments on the same weekend.
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