Boys' 18 Singles
Boys' 16 Singles
Boys' 14 Singles
Boys' 12 Singles
Boys' 10 Singles
Girls' 18 Singles
Girls' 16 Singles
Girls' 14 Singles
Girls' 12 Singles
Girls' 10 Singles
Boys' 18 Doubles
Boys' 16 Doubles
Boys' 14 Doubles
Boys' 12 Doubles
Boys' 10 Doubles
Girls' 18 Doubles
Girls' 16 Doubles
Girls' 14 Doubles
Girls' 12 Doubles
Boys' 8 Singles
Girls' 8 Singles
Boys' 10 Singles
Girls' 10 Singles
Sanctioned By
Surface Type
Draws Posted:
Last Updated:
Northwestern Ohio
5/31/2016 2:57:54 PM (Eastern Time)
Org Name:
Northwestern Ohio Tennis Association
Org Phone:
Org Fax:
Org Website:
Org Address:
1530 Bernath parkway Toledo, OH 43615
Entry Info
Entries Closed:
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Entry Information:
$53.18 for first Singles. $3.00 for first Doubles. Maximum fee charged per player is $49 plus the processing fees for the number of events you select.
Checks Payable to:
Send Checks to:
Tournament Website:
Important Info
Tournament Reports
Match Schedule Info - Future Match Info
Players into the Midwest Closed in NWOTA 5th spot (PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE TOURNAMENT ASAP)
Congrats to the following players for qualifying for the USTA Midwest Closed. If you are in the 12's or 14's please use tournament id# 850066315 and if you are in the 16's or 18's please use id# 850013315. You need to enter ASAP if you have not already. Once the deadline passes, they will not accept any late entries. Girls: 12's Lucia Spinazze 14's Madison Arquette 16's Nora Abdul-Aziz 18's Rhiannon James
Boys: 12's: Lucas Huang 14's Carter Welch 16's Samson Shook 18's Trevor Majdalani
NWOTA Alternates into the Midwest Closed
The following players are listed as alternates into the USTA Midwest Section Closed. You may enter the tournament to see if you are able to get into the event through the alternate selection process. If you are in the 12's and 14's please use tournament id# 850066315 and if 16's and 18's please use id# 850013315.
Girls: 12's: Emma Lynch,Marina Fudric, Isabella Spinazze and Ava Moore 14's: Kavya Alagappan, Ava McQuillin,Caitlyn Shankula, Annsley Mann, Emma Carter, Libbey Rhegness and Ciera Patton 16's: Kathyrn Mattimoe, Savannah Hosey, Rachel Moses, Alexandria Mann 18's: Kaylee Davis, Abigail Ciucci
Boys: 12's: Aiden Garcia 14's: ---------------- 16's: Shan Karnani, Justin Haggard 18's: Robert Joerg, Jake Guerrero
Don't forget the deadline for the Midwest Level 1 in Okemos / Indy is Thursday June 11. Any player that reached the finals fof the main draw or the back draw should register ASAP. The NWOTA board still needs to approve the 5th player selected in each age division. I will list all the 5th players in this message sometime tomorrow.
Tournament Referee - Jeri Banks
1. Please let Kim know as soon as possible if you will still be in school on June 4 or June 5 and the time of dismissal. Please let me know of any other SCHOOL related conflicts - I will only work around school events and the SAT if needed. Email me at
FORMAT- BG 16-18 will be playing a full third set. The 10's will be playing a 10-point tiebreak for the third set.. ALL doubles will be 8- game prospect with a 10 pt tiebreak played at 8-8. Doubles is single elimination while singles is a full feed- in thought the semis.
IMPORTANT INFO FOR 10's - since the Midwest championships for the 10s and 12 s are different weekends the 10s are permitted to play both the 10s and 12s if they choose. To enter both register for tens online then email me telling me you would also like to enter the 12s. You will have to send me a check for the second entry fee.
Players will be seeded based on the most current USTA/Midwest standing list. If this does not complete the seeds, we will use the NWOTA standing list.
REFUNDS - there will be no refunds given if a player withdraws less than 7 days prior to the start of the tournament.
NWOTA CODE VIOLATIONS - the officials will file paperwork for any violations that occur. Players wil be notified at the time of the violation. Suspension points will be submitted to the district office. 10 points in 12 months wil lead to a 6 week suspension in any NWOTA event. Other districts will be asked to acknowledges the suspension also.
DOUBLES DEADLINE - SAME AS THE SINGLES DEADLINE. email me at with your doubles partner's name by Saturday May 30. Doubles if free to all players entered in singles.
Player Selection TypeNo Selection Process. All registered players will be selected.
Entry TypeEntry to this tournament is open to specified residents only. Entries must be submitted by Saturday, May 30, 2015 11:59:00 PM Eastern Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
Quick ReferenceIn the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 856650115 from the searchable schedule homepage.
Division and Draw Type Abbreviations
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