Tournament Reports
Match Schedule Info - Future Match Info
Please congratulate our sportsmanship award winners, Blake Rothchild (G12's) and Rachel Buchinsky (G14's).
read this home page BEFORE registering and if you still have
questions, E-MAIL with a subject line “Midwest,
player's name, and age division”. E-mail is the quickest way to reach
me. The information you give when you register is the information I will
use to contact you in the event of any last minute changes due to
illness or injury, I suggest you enter a cell phone number if possible.
Points Per Round:
This tournament carries with it Level 4 Midwest points per round. For more information on Midwest points per round, please visit the following link:
more info
Player selection will be done based on the following criteria: 1 – Two (2) players from the top 100 of the most current USTA/Midwest Section Standing List in next lower division. 2 – 30 players from the most current USTA/Midwest Section Standing List in the current age division of the event.
The Singles Main Draw and Consolation will play regular scoring in best 2 out of 3 sets with a 10-point super tiebreak in lieu of a third set. The Consolation draw stops at the finals.
Tournament Hotels:
1. "" Courtyard-Miller Lane,
937-890-6112, 7087 Miller Lane, Dayton - $94.99 RESERVATION CODES:
DAYJ=KING&SLEEPER or DAYK=2 QUEENS Special Dayton Center Court Rate
includes coupons for a free breakfast, free wireless high-speed
internet, Indoor Pool and Spa.2. Residence Inn, York Center
Drive, $89.99 Dayton Center Courts Rate, 1-937-890-2244 Free hot
breakfast, and wireless internet, efficiency kitchen in every room. 2.
Residence Inn, York Center Drive, $89.99 Dayton Center Courts Rate,
1-937-890-2244 Free hot breakfast, and wireless internet, efficiency
kitchen in every room.
Practice/Warm-up Courts/DVD's
Players can reserve Friday practice courts anytime, but please wait
until First Match Start times are posted before booking for Saturday as
there are no refunds or changes of reservations. Let the staff know that
you are part of the tournament and receive a discounted court fee of
$13.50 per half hour or $27 per hour with no guest fees charged. All matches will be recorded on DVD and available for the player and/or their parent to purchase. The first one is $40.00 and subsequent ones are discounted.
First round report time information will be available on the Wednesday before the tournament begins by 6PM.
Come back to this page and click on the blue “Future Match Info Report” to find out your first time as well as your Win/Loss time (W/L). Please be careful when reading this. The W/L times are in parentheses. Players from the same district will not play each other first round unless an alternate fills a spot or more than half the draw is from the same district.
A minimum of 6 courts will be used.
Order of Play:
Saturday: 3 rounds of main draw singles and 2 rounds of consolation singles Sunday: 2 rounds of main draw singles and 3 rounds of consolation singles
Withdrawals/No refunds after player selection is complete.
To withdraw before registration closes you go online to
the tournament web site and click on edit registration on the left hand
column, then click on withdraw and follow the prompts. After
registration closes withdraw by sending an e-mail, subject line to include player name, and age division. The time received
on the e-mail will be used for documentation - MY REPLY is your proof that your withdrawal has been received. The
Referee WILL require written documentation for all withdrawals in the
last 48 hours and may require it for other withdrawals.
Player Contact Information Policy:
If you do not provide an email address and/or cell number(s) when you register for this tournament, then we will not be able to notify you about any possible changes in the tournament.
Trophies will be given to the following players: Champion, Finalist, 3rd & 4th place, and FIC Semi-Finalists. In addition, a Sportsmanship trophy will be awarded.
Help the USTA/Midwest Make Our Tournaments Better!:
If you have questions about USTA/Midwest tournaments, please email Also, please take a minute to tell us what you thought about this tournament using the following link:
more info