Tournament Reports
Match Schedule Info - Future Match Info Events - Alternates by Event 3/11/15
Thank You Players!
Thank you to all of the players and families who traveled to Midland for this event. The play was superb as was the sportsmanship of the players. We had 7 players nominated for the Sportsmanship Award by tournament officials and players: Campbell, Page, Letzer, Amarnath, Brown, MacNamara and Brown. It was hard to select one winner because all were very deserving. The tournament staff congratulates Ben Letzer for his behavior on and off court, his respect for his opponents, the offials and the game of tennis.
Click on the link above to find your first match time for Saturday. Please plan to register at the Tournament Desk at least 30 minutes prior to your first match so that we can get your local contact information for the weekend, give you the Player Information sheet and your tournament gift, and so that we know you are on site and will be ready to play when your match is called. ‘Registering’ for the tournament is not the same as ‘checking-in’ for your matches-- we will not put out any matches early without agreement from both players. All match times beyond the first round are estimates. Please check with the tournament following each match and get your next match time.
Practice Courts - Please read the all of the information below before calling!
Please reserve your Friday evening and Saturday practice courts by noon on Friday. At that time we will release unreserved practice courts to members. A credit card (Visa, M/C or Discover) is required at time of reservation to hold your court. You may pay in cash when you come in.
Friday Night
Players may reserve up to 1 hour of court time at $20 per hour. Courts are available 6-9 pm with reservations on the hour or half hour.
Players may reserve ½ hour court between 7:30 and 9 am for $10 per half hour court.
9 am - noon there are limited courts available so players may be required to share warm up courts. We will place up to 4 players per court and players are limited to ½ hour of court time. There is also no guarantee that there will be others desiring a warm up court at the same time you do so be prepared with a parent/coach to hit with if needed. Players will be charged based on the number of players assigned to the court (1 player - $10, 2 players - $5 each, 3 or 4 players - $2.50 each).
There will be free 1/2 hour warm up courts before matches between 7:30 and 8:30 am Sunday, reservations will not be required. Reservations for warm up courts for later than 8:30 am Sunday will be available after your last match on Saturday at the welcome center.
Please help us manage the courts by checking in at the welcome center and getting your court reservation card. Please do not go on any court without a court reservation card. Please do not bring additional players to the shared courts on Saturday without checking at the welcome center for space availability as there may already be four on the court.
Thank you for reading to the end! You may now call to reserve courts for Friday and Saturday – 989-631-6151. Please review the Player Information Sheet!
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Please read this homepage and if you still have questions, please email:
Points Per Round:
This tournament carries with it Level 4 Midwest points per round. For more information on Midwest points per round, please visit the following link:
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Player selection will be done based on the following criteria: 1 – Four (4) players from the top 100 of the most current USTA/Midwest Section Standing List in next lower division. 2 – 28 players from the most current USTA/Midwest Section Standing List in the current age division of the event.
The Singles Main Draw and Consolation will play regular scoring in best 2 out of 3 sets with a 10-point super tiebreak in lieu of a third set. The Consolation draw stops at the finals.
Tournament Hotel:
SpringHill Suites by Mariott, 800 Joe Mann Boulevard, Midland, MI, 48642. Phone 989-837-2700 for reservations and mention this tournament. Room rate is $113. Click for direct reservation link.
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First round report time information will be available on the Wednesday before the tournament begins by 6PM.
Come back to this page and click on the blue “Future Match Info Report” to find out your first time as well as your Win/Loss time (W/L). Please be careful when reading this. The W/L times are in parentheses. Players from the same district will not play each other first round unless an alternate fills a spot or more than half the draw is from the same district.
A minimum of 6 courts will be used.
Order of Play:
Saturday: 3 rounds of main draw singles and 2 rounds of consolation singles Sunday: 2 rounds of main draw singles and 3 rounds of consolation singles
No refunds after player selection is complete.
Player Contact Information Policy:
If you do not provide an email address and/or cell number(s) when you register for this tournament, then we will not be able to notify you about any possible changes in the tournament.
Trophies will be given to the following players: Champion, Finalist, 3rd & 4th place, and FIC Semi-Finalists. In addition, a Sportsmanship trophy will be awarded.
Help the USTA/Midwest Make Our Tournaments Better!:
If you have questions about USTA/Midwest tournaments, please email Also, please take a minute to tell us what you thought about this tournament using the following link:
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