Tournament Reports
Events - Alternates by Event Match Schedule Info - Future Match Info
Freeze Deadline-September 25th at 11:59am (almost noon)
Avoid suspension points- know the freeze deadline.
more info
National Junior Tournament Eligibility
more info
Entering 2 Age Divisions
If you are entering more than event please read over the process
more info
Selection Process
National selections have a specific process.
more info
Congratulations to Neel Rag and Max Platt our sportsmanship
award swimmers.
We will hold on to the DVD's for a week so If you forgot to pick
yours up call the club and we'll get it out to you.
read this homepage BEFORE registering and if you still have
questions, E-MAIL with a subject line "National
Selection, player's name, and age division". E-mail is the quickest
way to reach me. The information you give when you register is the
information I will use to contact you in the event of any last
minute changes due to illness or injury, I suggest you enter a cell
phone number if possible.
This is a NATIONAL Level 2, INDOOR TOURNAMENT 32 draw, fic for
singles; 16 draw single elimination with an 8 game pro-set for
doubles using Wilson US Open balls.
National USTA Seeding Process
Host Hotel has dozens of eating places right next door.
1. "" Courtyard-Miller Lane,
937-890-6112, 7087 Miller Lane, Dayton - $89.99 RESERVATION CODES:
DAYJ=KING&SLEEPER DAYK=2 QUEENS Special Dayton Center Court
Rate includes coupons for a free breakfast, free wireless
high-speed internet, Indoor Pool and Spa.
2. Residence Inn, York Center Drive, $89.99 Dayton Center Courts
Rate, 1-937-890-2244 Free hot breakfast, and wireless internet,
efficiency kitchen in every room.
Check-in will be 20 minutes before your first match time. Draws
will be posted online the day before the tournament starts by 9pm.
Match times will be posted above left under "Future Match Info" by
the Wednesday before play starts, (our desk staff does not have
start times). We will post the start times followed by W:=second
match time if they win (or) L:=second match time if they lose.
There will be a 3/4 play off in the front draw of both the singles
and doubles. 2 singles and 2 doubles rounds will be scheduled the
first day. The front draw will play 2 out 3 FULL sets for the
B14's. B12's front draw and all back draw matches will use a
match tiebreak for the third set. We will be recording all matches
at DCC on DVD, the first person to ask for it will get it unless
both people ask before the match is over in which case we will make
a copy. They will be available for $40. for the first, with
subsequent dvd's being discounted.
DAY-Dayton International 15 minutes from hotels and the club;
CMH-Columbus aprox. 80 minutes: CVG-Cincinnati/Covington aprox. 80
minutes; IND-Indianapolis aprox. 120 minutes.
Practice Courts
Players can reserve practice courts, but please wait until First
Match Start times are posted as there are no refunds or changes of
reservations. Let the staff know that you are part of the
tournament and receive a discounted court fee of $13.00 per half
hour or $26 per hour. Lots of courts will be available on Friday at
DCC. Other local indoor facilities that have agreed to let players
reserve courts include, Five Seasons 937.848.9200, South Regency
Tennis Center 937.885.5000, and Schroeder Tennis Center
937.669.5552. All facilities have agreed to give the same
discounted rate of $13 per half hour and no guest fees will be
Things to know
We have a limited supply of ice. Please fill up your cooler and
water jug before you come each day. Use the cubbies under the lobby
tv for your racquet bag so you know exactly where to find it when
we call for your match. Two chairs are on each court. Check-in is
20 minutes before each match except for 8am matches who may check
in 10 minutes early. We will start giving out the balls and
assigning the courts before 8am. You must have your shoes on and be
ready to go on the court when you check-in. When we call you if you
are not ready you can be penalized under the USTA point penalty
system for the delay. We have a lot of matches to play and do our
best to keep this event moving and on time. Please remember that
per Friend at Court late penalties now start at match time for all
players scheduled for that time as long as 1 court is available.
Draws will be updated on line throughout the day.
WITHDRAWALS: To withdraw before registration closes you go online
to the tournament web site and click on edit registration on the
left hand column, then click on withdraw and follow the prompts.
After registration closes withdraw by sending an e-mail, subject
line National Selection, withdrawal, player name, and age division.
The time received on the e-mail will be used for documentation - my
reply is your proof that your withdrawal has been received. The
Referee WILL require written documentation for all withdrawals in
the last 48 hours and MAY require it for other withdrawals. Players
who withdraw after the entry deadline for any reason are not
entitled to a refund.
NO Late Entries will be accepted unless an age division has fewer
than 25 alternates
Ordered alternates are listed under tournament reports/alternates
by event within 24 hours of the competitors list being posted. If
you are one of the top 5 alternates in the last 48 hours please
e-mail to either 1. Let me know you are no longer interested in
coming or 2. e-mail with a contact number where I can reach you
between the hours of 7am and 11pm. On-site alternates get a chance
to play if there is last minute withdrawal/no show. If you would
like to register as an on-site alternate please e-mail 24 hours in
advance to let us know you intend to come and to check and see what
time you need to check-in. An on-site alternate reports to the
tournament desk before the first matches for their division are
scheduled and registers with us. If there is more then one on-site
alternate who registered for the tournament present, you will be
placed in order as per Friend at Court.
Point Penalty System/ Suspension Points
The Point Penalty System will be enforced for lateness, use of a
Deity (God, Jesus, Christ, etc.), cursing, as well as abuse of
racquet, ball, and/or the facility. Suspension points will be given
for unsportsmanlike conduct, which includes misconduct at the
hotel, as well as for no shows. No grace period or warnings will be
Proper Attire is required. The top and bottom of your outfit must
meet when your arms are at rest. No bare midriffs, spaghetti
straps, tank tops, alcohol or drug words, if it is objectionable
you will have to change before going on the court which could incur
a point penalty for a time violation.
rev. 10/11/14
Player Selection TypeNational Selection Tournament
Entry TypeEntry to this tournament is restricted. To see how entrants will be selected, follow the “Selection Process” link to the left. It is the player’s responsibility to check the selection list(s) after registering online to be sure that a check mark appears beside the player’s name on the list, in order to insure proper registration. Entries must be submitted by Thursday, September 11, 2014 11:59:00 AM Eastern Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
Quick ReferenceIn the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 850002814 from the searchable schedule homepage.
Division and Draw Type Abbreviations
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